Movie Description
Provide a brief summary, genre classification, and official release date of the film
Cast and Crew
Information about the cast & crew involved in the movie
Upload Movie
Upload movie, trailer, Director’s cut, & BTS footage
Subtitles and Audio
Licensing, audio, subtitles, and copyright information
Submit for Approval
Submit movie and reach a wider audience
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Help and support
What is Creator Dingoo?
How can filmmakers monetize their content on Creator Dingoo?
What are the guidelines for uploading content?
What should I do if I encounter issues while using Creator Dingoo?
Is there a restriction on how much media or files I can upload at a time?
What should I do if I'm having problems uploading content on Creator Dingoo?
How do I fix a hacked account on Creator Dingoo?
How do I set up and manage notifications or alerts for key metrics?
How can I view the performance metrics of my uploaded content?